Since childhood, colouring, drawing, and making things with my hands have been a passion of mine. My focus is expressing stories through character design and mixing digital and traditional textures with warm and earthy colours. At the moment I really enjoy working with pinks, magenta and neon green.
Most of my inspiration comes from personal experiences, nature, cultures around the world, and the cute art from other artists who inspire me to continue creating. My goal is to capture the beauty and cuteness of the mundane into illustrations and art.

Thank you for taking a look at my portfolio.
My work mostly focuses on digital illustrations however, watercolour, watercolour inks and acrylic gouache are also mediums I enjoy and can't wait to show you in the future ! With these mediums I can practice with a more limited colour palette, no CTRL+Z functionality, and see what I make physically on paper after it's finished.

Sketchbooks are a playground for ideas and improvement. I love to see sketches from other artists to see what someone has practiced, what ideas were drawn and which choices were moved forward or scrapped. I am currently working on a sketchbook, to show my thought process behind artwork and random doodles.
To get that final artwork, there are a lot of sketches and preliminary ideas that a project goes through. A sketchbook should be messy, it should have mistakes. It's a place to dump weird lines and do whatever one likes. Some sketches will never see the light of day. It's where we learn, improve and just have stupid fun.

Follow me on TWITTER, for announcements about livestream schedules, merch, monthly subscriber rewards, art raffles, sketches, WIPs, and Illustrations.
I am most active here.