Kofi and Pixiv are where every month you get exclusive content from me,
including early sketches, WIPs, colouring pages, and behind-the-scenes project planning. Be part of the process and vote on which version of a project continues, and get a feeling of me (the person) behind it all. Kofi is available in English, and Pixiv is available in Japanese. There is a freebie available in the works for when you join !
Start Your 7-day Free Trial on Kofi
Discord is a free online forum (like AIM except much much cooler), to discuss all things art and games with other like-minded members. We like to talk about a lot of stupid, fun things. It’s a fun space where we share projects, tips and resources, ask questions, as well as play online games and watch movies or shows together. A lot of us like a variety of game genres including; simulators, RPG, MMORPG, etc.
Soon, we will create a Drawing Club, where each month you can participate by creating art (drawings, writing, etc) based on a theme. It’s the main place where I’m available for ongoing support and chatting. Join our cult , I mean our friendly group online !
It's quite simple actually. I LOVE the beach. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, surrounded by the ocean and all it's possibilities when you look to the horizon. It's the place where all your worries wash away with the waves, where you can smell the salt in the air, dig your toes in the sand and get natural foot exfoliation, and perhaps, spot a sea turtle swimming nearby.
Where one becomes whole again, probably, accidentally, breathe in sea salt water through your nose, and toast under the warm sun.
It's also a natural healer of colds, cuts, broken hearts, and flus.
No matter where I am in the world, the waves beckon for a visit.
The ocean will always be in my heart.
Plus, I REALLY love chocolate. Why not combine the two ?